All cycles and frames start from a basic discussion, either by email or over the phone or directly if you are in my part of the world. Sizing and weight are basic considerations, as well as an understanding of the experiences of the rider(s) so that the performance of the frame can be dialled in. Obviously, the rider will bring their own expectations and aesthetics to the discussion, and over several chats we can raise potential problems, the limitations of the rider and components and define the requirements.
Once the parameters are defined, the cycles can be drawn and costed, with a bracket of quotes, so that the effect of component choice and frame options are obvious - perhaps you don't really need that reversing hub or copper coated chain stay guard? After the final design and cost is approved we move to fabrication. All components necessary to define the frame sizing exactly are ordered as is the tubing (exact thicknesses and lengths). If required CAD designs are emailed to specialists. Once back the frame tubing is cut to length, mitred and hand brazed or silver soldered together in a giant 2 metre X 1 metre perimeter rotating jig to provide balanced welding and cooling for optimum frame strength.
Sometimes for specialist cycles a partial build will be required to confirm exact fit or performance, and the rider is invited to try it out and I make any modifications required before it gets to the coaters. The frame can then be powder coated (robust 70 colours), epoxy painted (beautiful 2000 colours), or plated (wear resistant and shiny) before being assembled. This may involve spoking up and trueing the wheels, as well as custom assemblages such as trike convertor and intermediate drive trains.
Once assembled, the cycle is rest ridden hard, and then a manual is printed to ensure the user gets the most out of the cycle, understands any unusual or particular requirements and how to maintain their frame at its best. The final payment, a handshake and away into the world it goes!